It dose feel very short compared to what I’m used too.RAW Paste Data if leleltru then local lelp= if and weapon and aimbotshit.speed then aimbotshit.fuckoff=true if bestp and hud:getplayerhealth(bestp)bestdot then bestdot=whatever-hud:getplayerhealth( bestp=v end end end]] -NEW ALG local look=vector.anglesyx(,) local bestscore=0 for i,v in next,players do ignorelist=v.Character end for i,v in next,players do if lelp and v~= and v.TeamColor~= then local rel= local lookvalue=look:Dot(rel.unit) lookvalue=(lookvaluebestscore then local lel=raycast(workspace,ray(,rel),ignorelist) if sightbased and not lel or not sightbased then bestscore=score bestp=v end end end end end if bestp then local bestlelp=lelp local lel=raycast(workspace,ray(,),ignorelist) if sightbased and lel then bestp=nil end local v=ajectory(,aimbotshit.addv and rootpart.Velocity/loltimescale or nv,aimbotshit.accel,bestlelp,(bestlelp-bestlelp)/(lelt-lelt),nv,aimbotshit.speed) -print(bestpart.Velocity) -print(bestlelp,(bestlelp-bestlelp)/(lelt-lelt)) if v then camera:setlookvector(v) if autoshoot then shooting=true end else if autoshoot and shooting then shooting=false weapon:shoot(false) if taim then weapon:setaim(false) end end end else if autoshoot and shooting then shooting=false weapon:shoot(false) if taim then weapon:setaim(false) end end end else if shooting then shooting=false weapon:shoot(false) if taim then weapon:setaim(false) end end bestp=nil aimbotshit.fuckoff=nil end end function char.lelelelelstep() if shooting and autoshoot then if taim then weapon:setaim(true) end weapon:shoot(true) end end else char.aimbotstep=function() end char. If you want to find where you are able to download the aimbot for Phantom Forces, you are able to try to search it in Youtube. the levels are alright for the most part. I enjoyed the game! My favorite part is the custom character. If you are thinking about buying this dlc, i believe that it is better to buy if you have some spare money, or if u like a lot to be a troll with those damn bears of course. The really bad part of the dlc, as i said, is that there’s barely a lot of new units, but the ones that are new, oh boi, they are overpowered as heck, for example the bears, they can collect food and they pretty much always will run over your defenses like if they were nothing, and the wereworkers, ♥♥♥♥ me that shouldn’t be allowed, they are like your 150 guards but they can collect supply and getting veterancy for them is way to easy, the other stuff isn’t that stupidly overpowered really. The new game mode is like total conquest but the truth is that you will barely use it for anything, maybe an strategic use like making a healing lake for healing, or it coulb be for making a poison lake so that your enemies will get hurt, but as a hole it isn’t that much of a wonderfull thing unless you are playing competitivly.
roblox phantom forces aimbot free level 7 script executer script, Undetected Free. The lore book isn’t bad, but once you opened and read it i doubt you’ll even remember it exists afterwards. Phantom Forces Script galore, so if you're looking to get hacks such as aimbot and more, then here's some of the working Roblox Phantom Forces script to utilize right now. If you have money, you can run anything you want if you buy Synapse X.

New units you ask, for what i saw the first leader is the one with the actual new units, the second leader is basicly a mix of the best units of the game. Right, so, This dlc gives you 2 new leaders. Phantom Forces Free Gui, Aimbot, Traces, Gun Mode Roblox Script Download Free Roblox Exploits Hacks And Cheats For Roblox Games Best Roblox Codes And Scripts.